
How not to creep out the Celebrity of your choice Checklist 101

Okay, let's see... what can I say?

I guess some will want to bite my head off for this because they are 'not like that'.

Well, simple thing, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't try to wear it.

This is a simple checklist for (In this case, obviously), the BBC Sherlock Fandom, but I guess it can be taken for a lot of other fandoms as well.

#.1: Actors are human beings. This might be news to you, but they actually have feelings, emotions, and a need for privacy. Don't follow them to the loo.

#2 They might need to concentrate during their work. Wailing fans within earshot might be considered counterproductive.

#3 The same goes for producers, directors, any crew member, actually. They usually do not employ androids at the BBC (and every trekkie knows, androids have feelings, too).

#4 There is something called self respect. And there's that weird thing called respect to others. If you like someone, behave like they are worth being respected. Drool on their toe-caps does not imply that.

#5 Herding mentality is not a good thing. If you are planning to do anything just because there are a lot of people literally or virtually around you doing it, check your self-respectometer. If it turns bright red (aka you can be sure you will look like a mentally challenged 6 year old doing it) don't do it.

#6 Whatever you do, check if you, in their position, would feel the need to call the police, the national guard, or the guys with the straight jackets being confronted with such behaviour.
If it would make you feel like this, don't do it.

#7 If they themselves have not called you within the last 24 hrs, or have sent you a love letter, or a message, chances are you are not in a relationship with them. So don't behave as if you are.

#8 If you happen to meet them somewhere, (they usually don't spend their private time locked up in a coffin, so there's a chance they are somewhere out there) there's no problem if it's obvious you recognise them. Everything else depends on what they are doing (or actually, what you are doing).
One thing's for sure though, wailing or squeaking sounds, screaming, throwing up, or dancing around singing 'Oh god he's so beautiful' are never a good idea.
Just imagine someone has a crush on you and starts making weird sounds when they see you. It's more than a bit not good.

#9 if they are standing somewhere happily giving autographs, grab your pen and whatever you have (well, maybe not your bra) go over there and tell them you think they're great and 'could I have an autograph please'. They love that.

#10 if you come across them on gatherings, meetings, cons, where they are to represent what they are doing (not as fans themselves, then we would have a case of #8), go over and have your picture taken or get your autograph or say hello. That's what they're there for.

#11 Behaving according to this list is no reason to run around telling everyone you do so.
It's just normal decent behaviour and should literally go without saying.

Sure this list could be a little longer, but I think it covers the basics.

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